Is Lust Sin?
The word translated “lust” or “desire” in the New Testament is epithumia, an intensified form of the word for “passion.”
The Spirit Has Spoken
The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead. By some accounts, he's mentioned 350 times in the Bible. All revelation comes by him; we would know nothing about God and his will for our lives if it were not for the Spirit.
Questions for Our Times
The world is very different from the way it was 150 years ago. Over the last century and a half, humanity has witnessed more innovation and change than in all the years of human history that came before.
Don’t Be Rash
The Bible is full of examples of men and women who met their downfall because of rash decisions.
Koschei’s Heart
One of the many things I learned on my trips to Russia was that the Russians have a rich heritage of folklore. Russian parents tell their children different fairy tales than their American counterparts.
How To Treat a Guest
Paul urged a balance between friends and strangers in Romans 12:13: “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”
Choose Wisely
Take a minute to read the following wisdom attributed to Kendra Nash. Then follow it! -Drew
From One Visitor to Another
Because I'm a minister, I rarely visit churches away from home. When I do, I'm usually acting in the role of the guest preacher, so I don't receive the same treatment as a typical visitor.
Mud and Stars
Frederick Langbridge said, “Two men look out through the same bars, / one sees the mud and one the stars.”
Vacation Bible Service
VBS stands for “Vacation Bible School,” but this year the “S” in VBS also stood for service.
Jesus’ Lists
Critics scoff at the idea of the inspired word of God. Progressives mock the Bible as outdated. Despite their protests, the Bible has withstood every challenge. When examined with an open heart, it bears the marks of divine authorship.