Why Angels Make Me Nervous
I have been enjoying our study of angels on Wednesday nights. I’ve never taught the subject, and it has given me a new appreciation for a number of texts I haven’t explored very deeply in the past.
The Family of God
After Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, he lingered for years in a prison in Caesarea until finally he exercised his right as a Roman citizen and appealed to Caesar in Rome.
To Wish and Not to Will
The other night, Jimmy Pulliam handed me a collection of devotional thoughts by Maltbie Davenport Babcock, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through them.
Use Your Time Wisely
Paul advises us to make the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Eph. 5:16).
The prophet Elisha had the good fortune of meeting a wealthy woman in Shunem who charitably provided him with food to eat and a chamber where he could rest.
Joel’s Locusts
The book of Joel was written in the wake of a devastating locust plague that had struck Israel.
When You're Feeling Overwhelmed
One year when Julie was a school counselor, she sent out a daily email to encourage her students. I was reading through her articles the other day and found a gem on what to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Taste and See
I was having a conversation with a friend this week about music. He said that now that he is older, he listens to more upbeat tunes than he did when he was younger.
Expectation Determines Experience
It’s natural to assume that we see the world empirically, through our five senses. But if that were true, we'd all see the world the same way because we all have the same five senses.
Psalm 32 is a king's invitation to try confession, something that helped him heal deep, life-threatening spiritual wounds:
Through the Door on Your Knees
R.N. Hogan tells a story that while one of Noah’s sons was out, he saw a giraffe. Coming home, at the time when the ark was being completed, he said, “Father, we have made a terrible mistake in building the ark.”
Correcting Culture
The western world is individualistic. When making decisions, the typical American does not think first about nation, culture, city, neighborhood, or family.
Who’s Training You?
A recent investigation of TikTok conducted by the Wall Street Journal revealed that the popular social media platform uses powerful algorithms to study its users’ behavior so that it can personalize content to make it more engaging.