Made In God's Image
Two hundred fifty years ago, the Declaration of Independence said all people were created equal, yet we still struggle with prejudice and discrimination. Why is it so hard for us to grasp equality?
THE READING (Genesis 1:26-31)
On the sixth day of creation, God created the first human being. The language surrounding his formation differs from that of all other beings. It is clear that humanity was central to God’s vast universe.
Discuss these questions to get a better understanding of the text.
God uses plural pronouns of himself in verse 26, yet God is one (Deut. 6:4). Is this a contradiction? What can this mean?
What do you think it means to be made in God’s image?
Why do you think verse 27 clarified that God made “male and female” in his image?
What orders did God give humanity in verse 28?
What was God’s final evaluation of things after he had made man?
What is the overall idea of this passage?
Discuss these questions to envision what it would be like to practically live out this passage.
Do we struggle sometimes to accept that everyone has been made in God’s image? That includes all races, all cultures, the good, the bad, the young, the old, the powerful, and the weak.
List some positive qualities that are true of every human being.
Marshall Keeble said, “If I miss him in Christ, I’ll hit him in Adam.” How does this statement relate to the text?
Why is it good to remind ourselves that we belong to the family of man?
Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:43-47. Who are we, as disciples, to include in our love? Who are we to leave out?