All Have Sinned


Regardless of what kind of life we live, we all struggle from time to time with guilt and shame. Why do you think this is so?

THE READING (Romans 3:9-26)

Romans is Paul’s masterful treatise on justification by faith in Christ Jesus. After introducing his letter in 1:1-17, he first argues that all Gentiles have sinned (1:18-32). Then he demonstrates that all Jews also have sinned (2:1-3:8). This leads to our text in which he explains that all of humanity, without exception, has sinned and needs redemption through Jesus Christ.


Discuss these questions to get a better understanding of the text.

  • List the ways Paul expresses the sinfulness of all mankind in verses 9-20. Does he leave anyone out?

  • What does Paul mean when he says some were trying to justify themselves by the “law”? (v. 20).

  • How will God hold the whole world accountable for sin? (v. 19).

  • Paul says sin is “falling short of the glory of God” (v. 23). How does this help our understanding of sin?

  • If all have sinned, does anyone have hope? (vv. 24-26).

  • How does Christ make it possible for God to be both “just” (righteous) and “justifier” (forgiving sin)?

  • What is Paul’s basic argument?


Discuss these questions to envision what it would be like to practically live out this passage.

  • Have you sinned? Are you prepared to be held accountable for that sin? How have you prepared? (see Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-4).

  • How does this passage temper our judgmental attitude toward others’ sins?

  • Is there any reason to feel proud or boastful that you have been forgiven of sin?

  • Paul demonstrates how Christ is the only hope for sinners. How should this thought motivate us concerning our friends, family members, and neighbors who do not know Christ?


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