What Is Man?
A proper understanding of ourselves begins with wonder. God made us special, but we rarely marvel at our place in creation. Why are we so underwhelmed by existence?
David, a shepherd, may have written this psalm one night while tending his sheep in the fields, meditating upon his smallness compared with the vastness of the starlit sky.
Discuss these questions to get a better understanding of the text.
Note the way the first and last sentences bracket this psalm. What do they say about how we should interpret David’s words?
Browse the psalm and find every word that refers to God’s creation. How do the things God has made reveal his glory?
What question comes in the middle of this psalm? (v. 4). How might we answer this question?
Verses 5-8 comment on our position in creation. How does it differ with nonbiblical opinions about the position of humanity in the world?
What is the overall message of this psalm?
Discuss these questions to envision what it would be like to practically live out this passage.
How does Psalm 8 compare with the way you view yourself?
What evidence can you share supporting the idea that God cares for you?
Should we feel responsible for taking care of our world? What are some items for which we should take responsibility?
What adjustments should you make to view yourself as God views you?