Loved By God


What is your impression of God’s attitude toward you? Do you think he loves you? Or do you fear he feels some other way about you?

THE READING (John 3:14-21)

A Pharisee named Nicodemus came by night to see Jesus because he was afraid of what his colleagues on the Sanhedrin would think if they knew he believed God was with the miracle worker from Nazareth. Jesus spoke to him about the Spirit, the kingdom, and the love of God.


Discuss these questions to get a better understanding of the text.

  • What event does Jesus allude to in verses 14-15? (see Num. 21:4-9). Why does he make this comparison?

  • John 3:16 is perhaps the most familiar verse in Scripture. What makes it so compelling?

  • Why did God send his Son into the world according to verse 17?

  • Do you see a connection between the “people who loved the darkness” in verse 19 and Nicodemus, who came to Jesus by night? (v. 2). What do you think Jesus is saying to this ruler of the Jews?

  • Read closely how Jesus describes judgment in verses 19-21. Why are people ultimately judged for their sins? Is this what God wants?

  • How does your understanding of John 3:16 change when you read it in context?


Discuss these questions to envision what it would be like to practically live out this passage.

  • Why did Jesus come into the world? Did he come to condemn us? Why do so many people think Christianity is about condemning people?

  • What did God give so that you could have eternal life? Could you make that sacrifice?

  • Think of the person you love the most. What lengths would you go to in order to save that person? Compare the sacrifice you’re willing to make with God’s sacrifice for us. How does our love compare with his?


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All Have Sinned