
I may have to put my blogging on hold for the next week or so as I am leaving for Russia tomorrow and won't be back for ten days. I've set up a Russian internet account that I think I will be able to use, but until I get there, I won't be sure if it will work.

This year I'm traveling with five other men to the village of Antipovka, where we started a congregation in 2001. Much of our efforts have depended on Andre Sozansky, the Russian preacher we support to work in that area. Antipovka is located to the south of Russia, in the Volgograd Region. It is an area where little evangelistic work is being done. While there we plan to conduct an evangelistic meeting at night and work on repairing the building where the church assembles during the day.

If I can get my internet account to work, I'll be posting daily reports of our progress, along pictures we'll be taking with a digital camera. If you don't see any activity on this site for awhile, that means I have run into technical difficulties and can't write my posts.

Keep giving me feedback on the name change. I probably won't make the switch until I return, so that gives you plenty of time to weigh in.


Back from Russia


New Name