New Name
It's time for a new name. I never intended for Drew's Blog to remain on the masthead. It's a little...well, dull. Not to mention, there are about a half-dozen other blogs by this same name, and I would rather not be connected to some of them.
My plan is to come up with a really good title and then register a domain name. After much contemplation, I have settled on two. I can't decide which is best, so I'm asking for some feedback from my readers. Below are the two titles, along with their subtitles.
Truth and Repose
"God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please - you can never have both." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Jerusalem Blade
"Ha! It is a right Jerusalem will cut flesh, and bones, and soul, and spirit, and all." -John Bunyan in The Pilgrim's Progress
What do you think? Which is best? Don't hold back. Tell it like it is. Maybe neither is any good.