The Lord's Prayer
Recognized by many as one of the most touching chapters of the gospel story, John 17 records our Lord's prayer to the Father on behalf of Himself, His apostles, and all who might believe through His apostles.
Last Words
John 14-16 records Jesus's final teachings to His apostles before His crucifixion. In this episode, we discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the authority of the apostles, and the relationship between Jesus and His apostles through the gospel story.
The Last Supper
John 13 begins the private ministry of Jesus to his 12 apostles. In this episode we discuss the significance of foot washing, questions concerning Satan's role in the betrayal committed by Judas, Peter's continued growth and the foreshadowing of the coming death and resurrection of Christ.
My Hour has Come
Chapter 12 brings the public ministry of Jesus to a close and introduces the final week of the life of Christ. After raising Lazarus from the dead and departing to the wilderness for a time, Jesus returns to Bethany six days before the Passover. Within the next two days Mary will anoint Jesus, the Jews will want to kill Lazarus, and Jesus will make His triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.
The Resurrection and the Life
Why would Jesus allow His friend Lazarus to die when He easily could have healed him of his illness? In our episode on John 11, we cover the seventh and final sign of Jesus recorded in the book of John (excluding His own resurrection) as well as the reaction of the High Priest Caiaphas.
The Good Shepherd
Listen and discover why the Jews did not accept Jesus as their good shepherd.
The Light of the World
As far as our timeline in John’s gospel is concerned, John 8 contains the most controversial statement of Jesus thus far in His ministry: “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” Why was this statement so controversial among the Jews?
The Feast of Booths
By the time we reach John 7, the Jews in Judea are seeking to kill Jesus. With the Feast of Booths approaching, Jesus's brothers challenge Him to make an entrance at the feast and to show the people His works. Jesus does not make a grand entrance to the feast but He does attend and His teachings cause the Jews to create controversy among themselves.
The Bread of Life
John 6 contains two of the signs of Jesus as seen in John's gospel. In this episode, we discuss the significance of the two signs and their relation to Jesus' discourse about the bread of life (during which He makes the first "I Am" statement of John's gospel).
The Pool of Bethesda
In this episode, we cover the miracle at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5. What exactly was going on with the “stirring of the water”? Does Jesus really claim equality with GOD? We discuss these questions and more in this episode.
The Samaritan Woman & The Official of Capernaum
In this episode we cover John 4. Much like chapter 3, this chapter contains two main episodes: 1) Jesus and the Samaritan woman and 2) Jesus and the official from Capernaum. In this episode we discuss worship, prejudice, faith, and much more.
John: Nicodemus & John
John 3 is nearly evenly divided between two scenes: Jesus & Nicodemus and John the Baptist & his disciples. Studying chapter 3 raises some questions dealing with baptism, the Holy Spirit, and the deity of Christ.
John: The First Sign
The second chapter of John has been the topic of its fair share of controversy. Miracles, alcohol and righteous anger are issues that are commonly debated when discussing this chapter. In this episode we look into the meaning behind the first of the signs of Jesus in order to shed some light on the debates surrounding this chapter.
John: Early Testimonies
Our second episode on John covers 1:19 through the end of the chapter. In this episode we discuss John the Baptist’s connection to Elijah, the baptism of John, the deity of Christ and Jewish expectations for the Messiah.
John: Introduction
Our first episode on John covers one of the most theologically significant passages in the New Testament: John 1:1-18. In this episode we discuss the deity of Christ and the impact of His deity on every aspect of our lives.
Philemon: Paul's Plea
In this episode, we discuss Paul’s plea for Onesimus to Philemon. Our study of Philemon leads us into Christian humility, the Biblical teachings on slavery, and the organization of the church in Colossae at the time of the writing of this letter.
Joel is an important book of prophecy for students of the Old Testament and New Testament alike. Scriptures from Joel are quoted several times in the New Testament. In this book of prophecy, Joel tells of a locust plague that had befallen Israel, warns the people of Israel to repent from their ways, and promises the blessings of God if the people can turn back to him.
Philippians: Paul's Joy in Giving and Receiving
In our final episode on Philippians, we focus on 4:10 – 23. We discuss what made the Philippians so unique and special to Paul, the “secret” of contentment and the importance of giving.
Paul's Enduring Joy
In Philippians 3:17-4:9, Paul gives the Philippians 8 different ways to have a joy that endures.