Christian Living
In chapter 12, the focus shifts from the doctrine of the gospel to the application of the gospel. In chapter 12 alone we see as many as 21 characteristics of the transformed Christian mind. Join us as we study through the practicality of living out the Gospel.
Chosen by Faith
In our study of Romans 9-11, our main focus is GOD's sovereign ability to choose whom HE will save and how HE will save them.
Set Free by Faith
After proving justification by faith, Paul shows his Roman readers how they have been set free by faith in chapters 6-8. Paul reveals that we have been set free from sin (chapter 6), from the Law (chapter 7), and even from death (chapter 8).
Justified by Faith
After proving that none are righteous except GOD alone in chapters 1-3:20, Paul moves on to explain the good news of the Gospel of Christ in the following chapters. He begins his explanation of the gospel by making the point that we are justified by faith apart from works of the law (3:28).
The Righteousness of God
Paul’s explanation of the gospel starts off with the need for salvation (or the why). In the case of the cross, the good news is only necessary on account of the bad news. It is the sinful state of man that lends itself to the need for a savior.
Romans: Introduction
Often referred to as “Paul’s Gospel,” Romans is Paul's carefully crafted explanation of the good news of Christ.