The Day After

When I got home last night after teaching a class at the little college just over the mountain from my home, a glance at the television set told me that the votes had been counted and that Barack Obama would be the 44th president of the United States.I didn't vote for Barack Obama.  I couldn't in good conscience pull the lever for a man that advocates abortion and promotes homosexual lifestyles.  I disagree with the idea that the answer to America's economic woes is to spread the wealth around.  I'm nervous about Mr. Obama's lack of experience and the path that he took to get to where he is today.However, I believe in democracy.  America voted yesterday, and a transfer of power is coming January 20th not by force or tyranny, but by the will of the people.  That is the way it ought to be.John Adams said, "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide."  I'm not sure what he meant by that, but perhaps he feared that America would forget what life was like under Great Britain when they were not free.  A democracy commits suicide when it quits believing in itself and refuses to accept the results of a general election.  If we let that happen, America dies.Even Christians who are opposed to the liberal social agenda can find something to appreciate in an Obama presidency.  Barack Obama is this country's first black president.  Forty years ago the idea of a black president was unthinkable.  Obama's presidency is a sign that we've entered a post-racial age.  This has come not a day too early.  Christians worship a God who does not respect persons, one who created all men equal, as the Declaration of Independence explains.  Barack Obama may not end the sin of abortion or homosexuality, but maybe he symbolizes the end of a great sin that is often overlooked in our churches--the sin of racism.This morning I was driving along, enjoying the beautiful fall foliage, when my eye caught a McCain-Palin sign, above which someone had posted another, larger sign with bold black lettering that read, "Don't Blame Me!"  I don't know who lives in the house where this sign is posted, but whoever he is, he needs to step back from politics and take a deep breath.I'm reminded of a poem by Yeats:

How can I, that girl standing there,My attention fixOn Roman or on RussianOr on Spanish politics?

There's more to life than politics.  We may have a new president come January, and he will certainly wield an influence over this country, but our lives will continue for the most part the way they always have.  We still have our careers and the bills and the kids' homework and errands to run.  There will be weekends with friends, holidays with family, and church services with brothers and sisters in Christ.For Christians there is a higher mission.  Obama ran on change, but the political arena changes little.  The gospel is God's power for change.  Now that the election is over, let's refocus and do our work as ambassadors for Christ.


At the Falling of the Leaf


Election Day