The Cast of the Cross

Those of you who check Truth and Repose regularly have no doubt noticed a slow down in my posting. Some of this may be due to a lack of inspiration, and some of it can be attributed to pure laziness. But the primary reason I haven't been writing much for the blog is because I have been putting the finishing touches on my new book, The Cast of the Cross.

For years I have had the goal of making preaching and teaching on the cross a priority. Instead of preaching the same sermons over and over again, I have tried to take fresh approaches to this subject. This way, the listener may be touched by the message of the cross in new ways and build on his appreciation for our Lord's sacrifice. As I worked toward this goal, it dawned on me that a biographical study of the cross is something new. At least, I had never seen it done before. Out of this idea came The Cast of the Cross--a look at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ through the eyes of those who were there.
The book has thirteen chapters, making it perfect for a Bible class study, and each chapter focuses on a different character involved in the crucifixion. The chapters cover the roles played by the prophets, Judas Iscariot, the Jewish rulers, Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate, Simon of Cyrene, the women, Jesus, the thief, John, the centurion, Joseph of Arimathea, and Peter. While the book is arranged biographically, I have done my best to organize it so that it moves in chronological order.

It's now available through Riddle Creek Publishing or any of the Christian book stores affiliated with the churches of Christ.



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