The More We Know

Man has reached a marvelous age. We have been given time to explore this universe we inhabit and know more about it now than ever before. Has this surpassing knowledge diminished our appreciation of our world and its Creator? Consider…

The heavens declared the glory of God to David (Ps. 19:1); they manifest the wisdom of God (Prov. 8:27). Now that we have set foot on the moon, orbited the earth, and landed rovers on Mars, are we any less impressed?

In approximately the seventh century B.C. Jeremiah marveled that the Lord “made the earth by his power” (Jer. 10:12). In hindsight, after exploring its face, is it any less remarkable?

Jeremiah also said the Lord “placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, a perpetual barrier that it cannot pass.” As much as the waves toss, they cannot pass over it (Jer. 5:22). Now that we’ve sailed across its waters and plumbed its depths, are we bored today by the oceans?

God promised Moses that as long as the earth remained, “seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night” would not cease (Gen. 8:22). Paul and Barnabas astounded the pagans by preaching the God who gave them “rains from heaven and fruitful seasons” (Acts 14:17). Do today’s meteorological advances make us any less dependent on Him for these cycles to continue?

Jesus prayed for daily bread (Mt. 6:11). By providence God empowers us to plant crops and receive the harvest (Acts 14:17). Have agricultural advances like irrigation, farming equipment, fertilizers, and pesticides taken away our fascination with the power of a seed to yield its harvest?

Jesus pointed out that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as the lilies of the field (Mt. 6:28-30). Today we know how to grow a wide variety of flowers of every color, right in our backyards. Are they any less beautiful?

Job was perplexed by the lion, mountain goats, the wild donkey, the wild ox, the ostrich, the horse, hawks, eagles, Behemoth, and Leviathan (Job 38-41). We’ve captured these and more on film and can watch their activities in hi-definition. Are we less amazed than Job, or more?

David marveled that he lay down, slept, and woke again, saying the Lord had sustained him (Ps. 3:5). Knowing what we do about the increased rate of anabolism, the decrease in catabolism, rapid eye movement, and other sleep-related phenomena, does our understanding leave us “yawning”?

Moses extolled the Lord as his “healer” (Ex. 15:26). James told us to pray to Him when we suffer diseases (Jas. 5:14-15). Does this amazing age of medical advances cause us to pray less when we are faced with illness?

David praised God because he was “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:13-14). Has the discovery of DNA resulted in less wonder or more?

The more we know about ourselves and our world, the more amazed we become. Truly, the work of God’s hands is testimony enough of His eternal power and divine nature! (Rom. 1:20).


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