Rescued Frozen Embryo Born to Happy Couple

Just how valuable are frozen embryos? This question is easy for Glen and Rebekah Markham, the New Orleans couple who fled their home during Hurricane Katrina, leaving five frozen embryos behind in the fertility clinic where they were conceived. They were relieved upon hearing about a successful rescue mission, which snatched their embryos from a flooded hospital sweltering in 100-degree temperatures.

According to a Fox News report, the rescue meant more to the Markhams than just a way to prevent another $12,000 in vitro procedure.

We see our little boy [Witt, their two-year-old son who was also conceived through IVF] — we see what the potential of those little embryos is," Rebekah Markham said. "It meant more to us than a few cells frozen in a hospital.

The Markham's second son was born yesterday via Cesarian section. They haven't chosen a name yet, although they are receiving several recommendations, such as "Harry Cane" and "Cat Five."

The difference between the way the media reports this story and the way it is told through the eyes of these parents is striking. They speak of the rescue of their son. But the news reads in a rather cold manner, saying what was rescued was the "child's frozen embryo," not the child himself. The influence of abortion is obvious. If it weren't for that abhorrent practice, there would be no question that this was a case of saved lives instead of rescued tissue.

The Markhams know better. They are reminded of the value of the unborn every time they look at their two sons.


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