Barry Bonds Must Quit

There is only one way for Barry Bonds to enjoy the rest of his life--only one way for him to be remembered as a hero. Barry Bonds must quit.

There is not a moment to lose. Currently Bonds teeters on a precipice of 713 home runs, only one away from Babe Ruth's record of 714. The moment he falls, he will be hated forever.

Not to mention, if he passes Hank Aaron's 755 homers he will be relegated to Dante's ninth circle of hell.

The only way out is for Bonds to call it quits. That way, he would be remembered as a guy who used performance-enhancing drugs but who repented before it was too late. He would be known as the guy who had enough respect for Ruth, Aaron, and all the others who played by the rules not to tamper with their records. He could even go on tour, telling kids steroids is not the answer. If Bonds stepped down, he would be making a statement, an important statement for which he would be lauded.

But from what I know of Bonds, he will not step down. Even as he is struggling, he is still trying to jump off that cliff.

Hopefully baseball will not forgive him. They banished Shoeless Joe; they banned Pete Rose; they even put an asterisk next to Roger Maris. Surely they will punish Barry Bonds.

Just quit, Barry. Just quit.


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