Gone Is the Eponymous Blog
To borrow a phrase from wordsmith Ike Pigott, gone is the "eponymous blog." Today marks the beginning of "Truth and Repose."
I think Emerson's quote--"God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose."--is fitting for what I'm trying to do in this little corner of the web. I want this work to be about the struggle for truth. Sometimes the pursuit of truth is frustrating, unsettling even, but that's the nature of truth. Because we're created free, and not brainwashed automatons, we may choose mental repose, but those who do will pay for it in the end. The reason I set this blog up is to encourage people to "buy truth and sell it not"--whatever the price (Prov. 23:23).
The "comments" feature is so useful to this endeavor. As long as opinions are respectful and brief, I leave them up, no matter what they say. The pursuit of truth is impossible without the exercise of dissent.
Never before has it been harder to fight for truth. Postmodernism claims there is no truth: "You have your set of standards; I have mine. Neither is wrong; both are right." At Truth and Repose we operate under a different philosophy, old-fashioned as it may be. God's Word is the absolute (Jn. 17:17). And those who understand it and accept it can arrive at real truth.
I considered the suggestion that the title ought to be altered to say "Truth or Repose," making it clear that this is an either/or proposition. In the end I decided to leave the title as it is. Emerson's quote makes it clear that it presents a choice. Plus, "Truth or Repose" is hard to say. Too many Rs.
Thanks to everybody for their input. Maybe soon I can get a domain name. This, hopefully, will increase the site's potential and lend it more credibility. Keep reading, commenting, and spreading the word.