Another Difference with the UCC
Some time ago churches of Christ had to go to great lengths to explain they were not associated with the United Churches of Christ (UCC), who had just announced their acceptance of homosexuals into the clergy.
Here's another reason to distance ourselves from the UCC: St. James United Church of Christ in Limerick, PA, was using the following verse as a slogan on their website: "If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine" (Lk. 4:7). Catchy motto isn't it? That's probably why Satan used it in his attempt to ruin the Son of God! In context the verse belongs as part of the Dark One's set of temptations in the wilderness (Lk. 4:1-13).
Preachers, file this one under "don'ts" in your Hermeneutics folder.
The church has since removed the tagline from its masthead and has acknowledged its mistake. Special thanks to Ike Pigott for letting me know about this one. As always, he's on top of things.