Looney Toons

More shenanigans from Muslims angry over caricatures of their beloved prophet Muhammed. This from the Associated Press:

Gunfire and rioting erupted Wednesday as more than 70,000 people joined Pakistan's biggest protest yet against Prophet Muhammad cartoons, burning movie theaters, a KFC restaurant and a South Korean-run bus station. Three people died and dozens were injured in two cities, police and witnesses said.

The massive crowd went on a rampage in the northwestern city of Peshawar, torching businesses and fighting police, who struck back with tear gas and batons. It was the third straight day of violent demonstrations in the Islamic nation.

The rioters ransacked the offices of the Norwegian mobile phone company Telenor, three cinemas and offices of Mobilink--the main mobile phone operator in the country, witnesses said. They also burned a bus terminal operated by South Korea's Sammi Corp. Flames were shooting out of some of the buses, private TV station Geo reported.

I went to school with a kid who pitched hissy fits when people drew pictures of him. Nobody liked him.

Could all this rage be the result of deep-seated insecurity? It's possible. Muhammed was a false prophet, speaking words God did not command him to speak. Moses would have had him put to death (Deut. 18:20). Compared to that, a few cartoons in the newspaper seems pretty tame.


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