Are Men and Women Different?


“What is a man?” “What is a woman?” Ten years ago, who would have thought these would be two of the toughest questions to answer in 2024? But here we are, living in an age in which people are not only confused by these questions—they’re afraid of them!

The Bible answers our questions about masculinity and femininity, human sexuality, and gender roles. Its truth will help if we have the faith to believe it.


Genesis 1:26-27

  • How does Moses use the term “man” in these verses?

  • In whose image did God make man? What can we learn from this declaration?

  • What distinction did God make within mankind? What are we to draw from this regarding gender roles and human sexuality?

Genesis 2:18-25

  • What did the Lord God say about being alone?

  • What did God vow to do for Adam?

    The Hebrew word for the companion God promises to make for Adam is kenegdo. It is translated “help meet” (KJV), “helper comparable”(NKJV), “helper suitable” (NASB). The word is formed by joining ke, meaning “as” or “like,” and neged, meaning “opposite,” “against,” or “in front of.” Together the terms mean something like “as opposite him” or “like against him.”

    If Eve’s humanness was being highlighted here, then the word ke (“like”) would have been used. But to make the point that Adam needed not just another human, but a different sort of human – a female – God used the word kenegdo, covering similarity (ke) and dissimilarity (neged). Eve is a human and not an animal, which is why she is “like” Adam. But she’s also a female and not a male, which is why she is different than Adam, or “opposite him.”

  • What is the fundamental principle of marriage laid out in these verses? Note: This principle was quoted by Jesus (Matthew 19:5) and Paul (1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31).

1 Timothy 2:8-15

  • What is Paul's desire for men? Why do you think he singles out the men for this task?

  • How does he want women to adorn themselves?

  • What does Paul mean when he says he wants women to learn “quietly with all submissiveness” (see v. 2)?

  • What restrictions does he place on a woman's role?

  • Are these restrictions merely cultural?  Review vv. 13-14 before you answer.

Ephesians 5:22-33

  • What kind of order do we find in God's plan for marriage?

  • Does submission mean that women are unimportant? Does this excuse husbands who do not listen to their wives? Should wives have input in their marriages? Does the Bible excuse abuse on the part of husbands?

  • How are husbands to love their wives? How does this protect women who are submissive in marriage?

  • Verse 33 summarizes the basic roles of husbands and wives in marriage. If this short formula is followed, any marriage can be successful. What does it say husbands and wives are to do for one another?

Galatians 3:23-29

  • List the ways in which the Bible's vision for humanity applies to men and women alike.


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